Downloads for Linux


Snap package

This package should work on any Linux distribution. To install it, run this command in a terminal:
sudo snap install smplayer
Més informació


Flatpak package

This package should work on any Linux distribution. To install it, download the package and run this command in a terminal:
sudo flatpak install smplayer*.flatpak
Més informació


Appimage package

This package should work on many Linux distributions. It doesn't need installation. Download the package, make it executable and run it. Més informació


Paquets per Ubuntu

Per instal·lar SMPlayer, simplement executa aquestes ordres en un terminal:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rvm/smplayer 
sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install smplayer smplayer-themes smplayer-skins 


Packages for other Linux distros

Click here to see packages for Fedora, openSUSE, Debian and Ubuntu

(Packages built with Qt 5)