SMPlayer xa é compatíbel con mpv

SMPlayer can now work with both MPlayer and mpv. But... what are MPlayer and mpv?

SMPlayer can't play media files on its own. It runs a multimedia engine to play the media. Until now SMPlayer has been using exclusively MPlayer as multimedia engine. But now it's possible to use mpv as well.

What is mpv?

mpv is based on MPlayer and provides new features and bug fixes.

Entre as súas funcionalidades máis interesantes salientan:

  • A posibilidade de mostrar dúas pistas de subtítulos ao mesmo tempo.
  • Reproducir vídeos de sitios como YouTube, DailyMotion, Vimeo, VEVO, e moitos outros.
  • Compatibilidade cos capítulos ordenados de MKV.
  • Navegación temporal precisa
  • Compatibilidade nativa con VAAPI e VDA. Mellora da compatibilidade con VDPAU.
  • Mellora do proceso de captura de pantalla.
  • Frame back step
Prema aquí para obter unha lista detallada das funcionalidades de mpv.

How to install mpv


The Windows installer gives the possibility to choose which multimedia engine should be installed. Just click on "Multimedia engine" and be sure mpv is selected.
The SMPlayer installer


Visit to get the latest version of mpv for your distro.

How to enable mpv in SMPlayer

To use mpv instead of MPlayer, open the SMPlayer preferences dialog and select mpv as multimedia engine in the General tab.

Select mpv in preferences