Ezarri SMPlayer snap, flatpak edo appimage pakete bat erabiliz

The snap, flatpak and appimage formats allow applications to run on most Linux distributions.

All three packages include SMPlayer, skins, icon themes, translations, the YouTube browser, mpv, mplayer and all required libraries.

Atal honek SMPlayera heuskarri hauetako edozein erabilz nola ezarri azalduko du.

SnapSnap paketea

First be sure the command snap is installed on your system. Some Linux distros include it by default but some don't. You can get detailed information about how to install and set up snap for your distro at https://snapcraft.io/docs/installing-snapd.

Once snap is installed, you can install SMPlayer with this command:

sudo snap install smplayer
SMPlayer jeitsi eta ezarriko du. Ezarri ondoren SMPlayer Aplikazioak menuan egon behar du. Agindu-lerrotik ere ekin dezakezu agindu honekin:
snap run smplayer

SMPlayer runs on a sandbox, with restricted permissions and sometimes you may need to give it more permissions. Adibidez kanpoko gidagailuetatik agiriak irakurtzeko agindu hau ekin beharra duzu:

sudo snap connect smplayer:removable-media
In order to get sound on Ubuntu 16.04 you may need to run this command:
sudo snap connect smplayer:alsa

Get it from the Snap Store

FlatpakFlatpak paketea

First be sure the command flatpak is installed on your system. You can get detailed information about how to install and set up flatpak for your distro at https://flatpak.org/setup.

Once flatpak is installed, download the smplayer*.flatpak package and install it with this command:

sudo flatpak install smplayer*.flatpak
Ezarri ondoren SMPlayer Aplikazioak menuan egon behar du. Agindu-lerrotik ere ekin dezakezu agindu honekin:
flatpak run info.smplayer.SMPlayer

AppimageAppimage paketea

The Appimage package is probably the easiest and fastest way to test SMPlayer on your system. Just download the SMPlayer*.Appimage file, make it executable and run it. Ez da instalaziorik behar. More info about the Appimage format at https://appimage.org.

Agiri exekutagarria egin dezakezu terminal batetik agindu honekin:

chmod a+x SMPlayer*.Appimage

Mahaigain baterapena

In order to get desktop integration for Appimage applications you may need to install an application like AppImageLauncher.
Argibide gehiago.